I waited just a little longer on this post so I could give this flavor a review. Tangiers has been churning out new flavors as of late and this is one from the last batch. There are lots more to review and I just got my hand on a few of them. So far I’m pretty happy.
I just moved to southern California, as you should know, and this means that I don’t have to worry about the acclimation woes that plague Tangiers smokers like I used to on the east coast. I opened this flavor a little while ago and it’s smoking beautifully.
The Tangiers Royal Flower is a medium strength floral flavor that should appeal to anyone that likes rose and other florals. There are notes of sweet rose and a little spice. I would say that there are subtle hints of lavender and some spicy notes that remind me of the kashmir flavors I love so much. If you hate floral flavors then this is not going to convert you but the flavor is mellow enough that it won’t make you gag. It has no flavor of soap, a common issue with floral flavors, and has a slightly fruity note that I can’t place my finger on. I see this as a great potential mixer to add to fruit blends to give another layer of enjoyment.
The flavor lingers on the tongue but does not stick around for hours like many other floral flavors from Tangiers. I would suggest using a dedicated floral hose and one that is washable. I think this one may ghost quite a bit. If you smoke foral flavors a lot but don’t want them ghosting I know a lot of people who swear by hookah cleaning products like Liquid DFW Pipe Cleaner.
The smoke is great. It’s smooth and sweet with billowing clouds. Tangiers is known for having big clouds and that’s partially because it’s so wet. I suggest using a funnel bowl or other bowl designed to retain the juices in the tobacco so as to not end up with molasses running down your stem.
8 out of 10. I really enjoy this flavor and, as someone who loves florals, this is going to get smoked pretty often. If you hate rose then avoid this one. If you like rose I think this is a must try. Fans of this flavor should also check out Nakhla Rose and Jasmine.