If you have been paying any attention to the world of hookah recently, you know about the Birquq line from Tangiers. You may not know much, very few of us do, but you know that it exists and you might be tired of hearing about it. Well, time to hear a little more. I’ll give you folks a full write up and opinion on the Birquq line at a later date, but I wanted to give you a quick primer before we begin. The Birquq line seems to be a little easier to deal with than Noir, but it is still a very strong tobacco. This is not for light smokers.

I just bought three flavors of the newest batch of flavors and Rangoon Sunrise is the first flavor I tried.
The name of this one confused me. Originally, I was envisioning a crab rangoon flavored tobacco and I can’t say I was entirely disgusted. Rangoon is actually a mispronunciation of the name of the former capital of Burma, which is actually named Yangoon. I’ll tell you right now. I tasted very little crab in this mix.
The smell on this one is distinctly fruity with notes of pineapple and grape. There is a slightly medicinal quality that reminded my girlfriend of grape flavored, children’s chewable Tylenol. There is a roundness to the scent that I find pleasing, but the medicinal scent is a little off-putting.
The clouds are what we expect from Tangiers. Big, fluffy clouds with a smooth textured smoke. no harshness that I could find.
The flavor tastes of pineapple, cherry and orange. It’s like a tropical flavored mixed drink. I do not pick up any of that medicinal quality in the flavor and I am very relieved. This is not a sour flavor by any means and I would call it soft, in a sense. This is not an aggressively powerful flavor, but rather a good medium strength flavor. There is a bit of depth to this flavor that may be a result of the molasses and tobacco, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.
8 out of 10 I found this flavor very pleasing, but I wish it was a bit stronger. That seems to be my complaint with a lot of different tobaccos, but I don’t want to discourage you from trying this one. If you like tropical flavors, try this one out. There are some light tobacco and molasses notes that I really enjoyed when the presented themselves.