I have expressed my opinions on the subject of apple flavored tobacco before but it’s worth a refresher. Apple is an extremely difficult flavor to replicate and I have yet to find a really good red apple flavor.
That being said, Starbuzz Sweet Apple is a pretty good apple flavor. It’s not the perfect apple flavor that I am searching for but it is pretty damn good. It tastes like a sweet red apple candy and is a smooth smoke. As is expected, it’s a blend that produces very nice clouds and is easy on the lungs. There is no tobacco flavor and unlike many of the more traditional apple flavors there is no hint of anise. Many people avoid apple tobacco because of exactly this. If this is a problem for you then this is a good option.
The flavor is a bit artificial but far more natural than many of the other apple flavors I have had. It suffers from one of the faults that other apple flavors have. It’s a bit waxy at times. It has an almost oily texture to the smoke at times. This can be a bit off putting but it’s not anything to make me stop smoking it.
7 out of 10. This is one of the better apple flavors I have ever had and to this point it’s one of the top red apple flavors. As stated earlier, if you are not a fan of the more traditional apple flavors but still want to try apple tobacco this is a good option. It’s not perfect and I have to rate it down a little because of the high price but it’s worth a try.