Sex Panther is another one of the new blends from Social Smoke. It’s oddly named but it’s damn tasty. The flavor is supposed to Peach, Cranberry and orange. We shall see.
The smell is slightly of sweetened cranberry, strongly of peach and somewhat orange. It smells great. I was very excited about this one when I first got the sample. This came in a Take 2 Sampler from Social Smoke and I think they are a great option for trying new flavors.

The smoke is very much what Social Smoke is known for. Great clouds and very smooth.
The flavor is good. There is a distinct cranberry flavor. More so than most other cranberry flavors. The peach is just about as strong as the orange but the cranberry is center stage.
7 out of 10. I really like the Social Smoke Sex Panther flavor and I would have given it a higher rating if I thought it wouldn’t get cloying after a while. It’s tasty and a very smooth. It has a slightly rich texture that I find a nice change of pace from very light smokes. Check it out. It’s worth a try.