Hey folks. Paul here for Hookah.org. I have a review for you. This one is for Social Smoke Chai Latte. Just to quickly give you the run down on my set up, I am using my Magdy Zidan Cairo, wind cover, I have a custom clay bowl that was made for me, and I am using my Social Smoke professional series lounge hose.
This is not a new flavor to me. I absolutely love the Chai Latte by Social Smoke. The flavor is the slightly floral tea note with a distinct creaminess and a lot of nice herbal character to it. The smoke quality as you saw just then is really nice. It is what I expect from Social Smoke as a brand. It’s a very modern brand. It’s actually an unwashed tobacco as you may or may not know, but it has relatively low nicotine content because they use a nice light leaf.

I find this to be a nice medium flavor. Its not overpowering, its not going to knock you on your butt and just completely throw you through a loop with its strong “in your face” flavors, but its not weak either. All in all, I would call this a very good spiced flavor. Its got some notes of cinnamon, slightly nutmegy almost notes; it is designed to taste like a chai tea that has milk in it and I think that Social Smoke did a pretty good job with this one.
Once again, this is Paul for Hookah.org. Please sign up for our forum, check out our wiki, we have lots of information, lots of reviews, lots of guides, and lots of great articles that I am updating as regularly as I possibly can. If you can do me a favor, please try this flavor, go below and actually fill out a little review. Only has to be a couple sentences, but let us know what you think.
This is Paul for Hookah.org signing out. Happy smoking.