There is a new style of hookah tobacco that has been pretty popular as of late that consists of a fruity flavor mixed with mint. The mos popular example of this in the USA is the Starbuzz flavor known as Blue Mist. This flavor is one of the most popular flavors on the market and many other companies have given their own spin on the flavor. Baja Blue is the Social Smoke answer to Bluemist. But how does the new contender compare to the reigning king?
Starbuzz Blue Mist is a blend consisting largely of an artificial blueberry flavor that reminds me of blueberry scented candles. By that I mean that the flavor is chemical and does not resemble real blueberries. This flavor is paired with a slight minty feelings. There is no actual mint flavor to speak of. Instead it is more of a mentholated feeling. Cool but with no distinct flavor.

Social Smoke Baja Blue is similar. The flavor strikes me as less chemical and more of a blueberry or blue raspberry candy. It’s hard to pin down but it is indeed tasty. The flavor is still nowhere near a real blueberry. This blend has much of the same minty feeling without a mint flavor but it’s slightly stronger than that of Blue Mist.
Between the two I like Baja Blue better. This is just my opinion but Blue Mist can get cloying after smoking it for a while. I have heard lots of stories of people that smoked nothing but Blue Mist for a long time and got completely burned out on the flavor. This can happen with any flavor in theory but I’ve seen this more with Blue Mist than I have with any other flavor. I got burned out pretty quickly myself and it took me a long time to try another “Blue” flavor. Baja Blue is less chemical tasting and has a stronger cooling effect so it gets my vote.
Seeing as nobody else has replied yet, I’d give this post my spin on it. Both flavors to me are fantastic. I have always been a fan of starbuzz’s flavor. I am more recently a huge Social Smoke fan and have even had the pleasure of meeting with them. Before I go on I just want to say that both of these flavors are great and both worth trying…
Now on to the differences.
Let’s start with blue mist. The flavor is definitely what the author explained. It may sound unappealing if you’ve never tried the flavor before, but it is not overpowering and crisp. The flavor of the menthol-ness is a little more apparent in starbuzz and I feel that is where starbuzz has their advantage. That mentol flavor compliments the blue flavor very well.
Now on to Baja Blue. I think, like the author, the blue flavor is better in Baja blue. It’s a little more natural and the taste has a better lingering to it. The disadvantage to Baja blue is the menthol-like flavor that starbuzz has. It’s there, but doesn’t compliment it as much. The bright side is that the taste to me lasts longer in social smoke. The more toned down flavor and the long lasting flavor of this hookah tobacco gets equally as much love as the starbuzz.
So what’s my final thoughts? Well, I have smoked over 500g of starbuzz blue mist, and I have smoked at least 300g of Baja blue alteady with a new container waiting to be opened, probably by this weekend. Both are great. Try them both. I give starbuzz a 8/10 for great flavor fusing and being a shisha icon. I give social smoke a 8.5/10 for superior flavoring and longer flavor. Which in the end is a huge factor to me. I want to enjoy my session for as long as possible.
Nevertheless, try them both! Hopefully someone enjoys my input and happy smoking!!!