The flavor is a little similar to an artificial blackberry flavored vodka. A little candy like and a bit chemical. Not really blackberry.
The taste is the same. If I was given this in a blind taste test I would have no idea what I was smoking. That is a problem for me. I like my hookah sessions to be filled with flavor. That’s the reason to smoke hookah. Even if it’s not all that accurate at least it should be strong. It’s a little sweet, kind of sour and tastes like really light tobacco.
Rowan was on the menu tonight and I am pretty happy with it. I am not entirely sure what rowan is supposed to be but the flavor profile is that of light molasses and medium tobacco. It is slightly sour and lots of sweet. It has a smokey character and slight fruit notes.
From my experiences in the past, margarita flavored tobacco tastes like lime. It’s sweet, sour and very candied. When I wanted lime I ordered margarita. That is what I was expecting but I was pleasantly surprised.
Starbuzz Citrus Mist is a great flavor. It is a sweet citrusy flavor with a slight menthol coolness that is really enjoyable. It’s not a mint flavor by any means and does not taste like one. The citrus is something like a combination of sweetened lemon and grapefruit. Maybe a little very dry orange. It is nice and enjoyable. It’s a medium strength flavor with great clouds. It’s very heat resistant and not too drippy.
There are some really terrible coffee flavored tobaccos out there so this may be a good stepping stone before you accidenty scare yourself away from an entire genre of wonderful flavors.
There are many different kinds of hoses available to us as hookah smokers. Some are washable and some are far from it. It’s important to know the difference before you end up ruining an otherwise great hose. Each hose has it’s own strengths and weaknesses. I plan on helping you make a nicely educated decision based on my own experiences.
This is one of the better apple flavors I have ever had and to this point it’s one of the top red apple flavors.
It’s a great melon flavor and it’s one of the better melon tobaccos I have had. I wish that it was a bit more of a honeydew melon but I am not sure if that is a plausible request. The flavor is smooth and clean. The clouds are big and puffy and the smoke is smooth. If you like melon flavored tobacco then this is worth a shot.
This flavor is unique and flavorful. If you like spice flavors this is a must try. The clouds are what you would expect from Tangiers and the smoke is smooth but heavy.
If I had to choose I would say that this is a normal grapefruit and not a ruby red. If you are expecting the sweet and juicy flavor of slices of ruby red or sweetened ruby red grapefruit juice you are going to be less than happy. If you want a blend that tastes like slightly sweetened grapefruit oil or essence then this is the blend for you.
If you want something sweet and tasty that is good for the new smoker and people who want nothing but candyish flavors then Fantasia will do the job.
Salloum tobacco is a more traditional stlye of moassel and they offer a compltely unflavored version that has nothing in it but molasses and tobacco leaves.
This is a black style moassel from Al Fakher and it is far from the modern tobaccos that many people are used to. Black style moassels are an older form of hookah smoking that consists almost entirely of molasses and tobacco leaves.
The funnel bowl design is a realively young one in regards to hookah innovation. The concept is that the bowl has a single hole in the middle with a raised edge to stop the tobacco and juice fromdripping into the hookah. Supposedly this will not only enhance but prolong the session. I have been using a Tangiers small funnel for wuite some time and it is easily one of my favorite purchases I have made for my hookah hobby.
If you want a good and affordable melon blend then this is an awesome option. I think that they could enhance the melon flavor a bit and add in more banana and coconut and this would be awesome. I docked it a bit because it’s pretty much just melon but if that’s what yo expect it’s nice.
This new review is for Al Fakher Golden Grape. This is from the fairly small line of Golden flavors from Al Fakher which include a strawberry, eskandarani apple, rose and grape. This grape flavor is…
The passion fruit flavor was nice. It was flavorful and accurate. I have only had passion fruit a couple times and I enjoyed it every time. Because this was an accurate flavor that meant that I was a fan.