Brand and Flavor: Nakhla Sweet Melon
Shisha Tobacco Cut: A choppy and course mix. Somewhat finer than I am used to with Nakhla.
Hookah Type: KM double trimetal. Nammor hose
Duration: 45 minutes or so.
Bowl: Small tangiers funnel
Foil / Screen: Regular foil
Coal / Amount: 2 CH QL coals
Smoke: Medium smoke with a thick mouth feel.
Buzz: Medium to full.
Smell / Flavor: Smells like cantaloupe. Taste like cantaloupe. It’s a very accurate melon flavor. Something about it sits funny with me though.
Rating (1 to 10): 7 I know that a lot of people disagree with this rating but hear me out. Nakhla sweet melon is one of the most highly praised shisha tobaccos you will find. Personally I feel that the flavor, while accurate, is a bit cloying. I can’t smoke this for too long or I get very sick of it. I love mixing this up with other blends and seeing what I can do but alone it is a little flat. On top of that it has an odd feeling in the lungs for me. I usually smoke very heavy tobaccos but this one sits differently. I’m really not sure how to describe it. If you want a solid cantaloupe flavor that I have yet to see surpassed for accuracy then go with Nakhla sweet melon. I can’t smoke it regularly but when I do I enjoy it.
I, too, have that sick feeling after smoking this flavor. I actually stopped smoking recently because of this sick feeling. Apparently I associate all hookah smoke with this “bad feeling” from smoking the Nakhla melon flavor, making me sick while smoking other flavors as well! Makes you wonder, no?
I really don’t know what it is. I think it’s the step above cloying. It may just be too sweet and flavorful. I know that seems counter intuitive.