As anyone who has been reading this blog knows, I am a fan of non fruity flavors. I am a huge advocate of mint, spices and floral flavors. I think that they are an essential part of the hookah experience that can break up the monotony of fruit with something more interesting and memorable.
Nakhla Sheherazade Chocomint isn’t the most readily available flavor you are going to find. Many people are apprehensive about this flavor because it’s so different. Also the flavor of artificial chocolate leaves a bad taste in some people’s mouths…. Ok. I’m not a comedian. Give me a break.
The smell on this one is awesome. It’s like a super minty andes mint. It’s strong enough that I would compares is to mint oil mixed with cocoa essence. It’s strong and it smells great.
The clouds are great. It takes a little more work to coax good clouds out of Nakhla than it does some of the more modern brands but thunderclouds are possible.
The flavor on this one punches you in the face. It’s majorly minty. Perhaps a little too much so. While I love a strong mint flavor that gives you a chill every time your pull, the chocolate is a little over shadowed. Mint and chocolate is a no brainer combination but it’s difficult to achieve in some formats. Hookah tobacco is one of those. Chocolate is a delicate flavor that is almost impossible to replicate and very difficult to make pleasant in tobacco. The mint takes center stage on this one and I wish it was more of a 50/50 split.
7 out of 10. I love mint and this is a great mint flavor. Nakhla has mint down. Chocolate is another story. The flavor is there but it’s way too light. If the chocolate flavor could be brought up to the level of the mint I would add another tobacco to my top 10.
Hey i have tried not tried the nakhla brand for the chocomint however if somehow you can get a hold of Al Ajamy’s chocomint i think you will find a better balance between the chocolate and the mint. It smells and tastes just like the andees mint chocolate, however the mint is not so overwhelming the smoke expereince is very smooth i am def hooked on this one the only problem is finding this flavor in this brand here in the US. My sister came to visit from Lebanon and she had brought me 2 boxes…
I would love to try Al Ajamy but, as you said, it’s not a very common brand to find. Thanks for the tip. It sounds great.