Brand and Flavor: Nakhla Margarita


Shisha Tobacco Cut: Typical nakhla.  Wet and sticky.  Random sizes and shapes for the cut.  Stems.

Hookah Type: KM double trimetal. Nammor hose

Duration: 45 minutes or so.

Bowl: Vortex bowl

Foil / Screen: Regular foil

Coal / Amount: 2 CH QL coals

Smoke:  Thick medium sized clouds and a nice room note.

Buzz:  Watch out for this one.  It creeps up on you

Smell / Flavor: Smells like natural limes mixed with a little lemon and sugar.  A slight floor cleaner like scent that does not present it’s self in the smoke.  It’s flavorful and crisp.  Much more so than most nakhla I have had.

** Thanks to our local supporters from Young Black Professionals New to Houston on **

Rating (1 to 10): 8.  I love this flavor.  It’s the best lime flavor I have had so far.  This was an early buy for me in my smoking career and it has been a favorite ever since that has stood up to the test of time.  I always go back to it.  The buzz is a kicker and it’s easy to forget about because this blend has very little of the robust quality that nakhla is known for.  It’s still there but for the most part you just get lime, lemon and smooth sweetness while still being natural.  I knocked it down a couple pegs because I would like to see some better cloud performance out of it.  I am not one to focus on clouds but it’s always nice.  The flavor is a lemon lime flavor more than anything else.  I figure for it to be a real maragarita flavor there would need to be notes of salt and tequila… not two things I want in my smoke.  But regardless that means this flavor is not perfectly accurate to the name and I do rate on accuracy.

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