Coffee is the lifeblood that keeps this world running only a few minutes behind and lets us relax in those few quiet moments, so it stands to reason that it would be one of the more popular flavors in the world of hookah. Nakhla Coffee is one of the strongest coffee flavors you can buy and I really like it, but it has one big fault.
The smell of Nakhla Coffee is unmistakably coffee and it can be almost overpowering. If you pack this one with your hands they are going to smell of coffee for the next few hours even with a good washing.

The clouds are good, which can be expected from Nakhla, but it requires a fair amount of heat. This is a very durable flavor and seems to refuse to burn for me. The flavor is pungent, accurate and long lived. It is everything I could want from a coffee flavor. the only problem is that is ghosts your hose, hookah and everything else it touches. It’s not impossible to get out, but this is a tobacco that lets you know it has made an appearance well after it’s dead and gone. If you can deal with a little extra cleaning or you have a rig that you’ve devoted to darker flavors like coffee than you should definitely give this one a try.