Hello, folks, Paul here once again with another tobacco review for you. This one is for Mazaya Peach. I have smoked a few of the Mazaya flavors at this point and I find that they all have a follow-through line. They tend to be a little bit light and this tobacco is absolutely no different.

As you can see, the clouds are good. I am using my new Mystique ice tip, I guess, or ice hose – I’ve heard it referred to a few different ways – which will, you know, make the clouds seem denser and can reduce flavor a little bit. But I wanna guarantee you that I’ve smoked this one many times now with and without this tip and, yeah, the flavor’s just a little light. It is definitely a peach flavor. It definitely tastes like peach, it has a distinct fruity kind of stone fruit flavor. I wouldn’t say that it is so weak as to be indiscernible, but it is what I would consider kind of a light to medium flavor.

If you like peach flavors, this is definitely one that you should try out. I think that there are probably better peach flavors out there, especially regarding the intensity and the sweetness of the flavor. This is definitely sweet, but intensity and accuracy are two of my big, big complaints when it comes to hookah tobacco and two things that I try to focus on in my reviews. If you’re looking for a very intense peach flavor, I actually suggest Tangiers as a brand. Their peach flavors, their, I think it’s, Juicy Peach and Peach Iced Tea are absolutely stellar, but those tend to be a bit more of a candy-style flavor with some accurate peach in the background.

This is not dissimilar from that flavor. It is very much a candy flavor, but I’d said that the accurate peach notes are a little bit more pronounced, are a little bit more accurate overall.

All in all, I would say that this is just a good solid peach flavor, if a little bit light. If you find that some peach flavors can be a bit cloying for you but you still like that flavor profile, you should definitely check this one out. It is light to medium in nicotine, so it’s a really good introductory flavor for people at a party or people you’ve never smoked with before and, yeah, if you like peach, if you wanna try a good peach flavor, I can suggest this one. I like it.

So that’s it. This is Paul for Hookah.org saying thank you very much for joining us. Please go down below, like and subscribe, give us that thumbs up and I’ll see you guys next time. Happy smoking.

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