In the world of hookah there seem to be some power house names that people flock to. Khalil Mamoon, Nour and Mya Saray are examples of these. The public opinion seems to sway back and forth on what is the best and the highest selling rigs are often a product of trends rather than actual individual preference.
The hookahs produced by Magdy Zidan deserve some credit. They do produce some of the finest, cleanest and most consistent rigs you are going to ever find. Very often they are compared to Khalil Mamoon hookahs and some people even claim that they are better than Khalil Mamoons. In fact Magdy Zidan hookahs are sometimes more cleanly put together.
If you are interested in buying a new hookah some things to consider are:
Functionality, meaning does it do what you want it to do? Are you going to get the draw you want? Is is going to fall apart in a week or is it going to get passed onto the children of your children. Obviously this is very important if you actually plan on smoking from your hookah.
Cost. If you have the money to blow on a rig that costs thousands of dollars and are hand made by artisan glass blowers (I’m looking at you Meduse) then go right ahead. Just send it to me first so I can check it out and make sure it’s up to your standards. I will make sure nothing less than the absolute best reaches your castle. Otherwise, cost efficiency is always good.
Appearance. To some, the most important factor. I think that appearance is important but if I have to spend an extra$100 to get something that looks a little prettier then count me out. Looking good is nice but I don’t buy hookahs because I plan on putting them in a show room somewhere. I want it to smoke right.
I make sure that any rig I buy has a good score in all three areas. I want it to hit like Tony Jaa, be cheap like Lohan and look like Megan Fox. That might be exaggerating a bit as that would a 100% in all areas. If you want something that smokes beautifully, is cost efficient and looks damn good then I suggest a Magdy Zidan hookah.
Magdy Zidan makes a range of products from cheap budget rigs all the way to towering monoliths that you need a step stool to adjust the coals on. If you want a good draw from your hookah stay above the 26″ mark. Hookahs smaller than that are designed with a smaller inner diameter downstem than their larger brothers. While it’s not a huge difference it does restrict the flow a bit and most people i have found appreciate the draw being as easy as breathing. Whichever rig you get it will look clean and be cheaper than many comparably designed hookahs by far.
From solid metal hookahs like the Professional Series Cairo. One of my favorite hookahs.

To gigantic and beautiful monoliths like the odyssey double pear.

Magdy Zidan has something for everyone.
In the words of other lovers of hookah when talking about Magdy Zidan hookahs:
“Such an easy pull it was like breathing”
“Absolutely sexy”
“Clean welds. Solidly built and smokes great.”
“Pull, smoke and purge is all flawless.”
On average you will pay between 20 to 30 dollars less for a Magdy Zidan than you will for other high end Egyptian hookahs. You can get a Magdy Zidan double pear (a popular design) for around 90-100 bucks after shipping.
The conclusion of this is that if you are on a budget and looking for a good rig you should give Magdy Zidan a chance. They are well made hookahs that will last a long time and give you great performance. On top of that they look damn nice and are pretty cheap when compared with the other big names. There is a reason that many of the more traditional hookah lounges I have visited use Magdy Zidan hookahs. They work well and they last.