I am going to start this by saying that I need to get my hands on a mangosteen. If it tastes anything like this tobacco I am going to start questioning the sanity of those that consume them.
I had heard rumors about mangosteen in the past. I have seen it bashed quite a bit and this interested me. I like to make my own decisions and form my own opinions. Well, I got my hands on some Layalina Mangosteen and tried it out with a friend. My buddy Leo figured out the flavor and nailed it with a description. He said it tastes like old comics smell.

If you have ever opened up an old archive box of comics or unglossed paper magazines you know what I am talking about. It’s musty and tastes a little like stamp glue… It tastes like it is far too old. Maybe the batch got had something wrong with it but I don’t think so. I have never actually met with a truly spoiled tobacco and I just think this one was a missed flavor. I need to get my hands on a mangosteen and compare.
1 out of 10. This is a rare rating from me. It was really unpleasant. Just avoid this one unless you are an explorer of every flavor you can get your hands on like myself.