I recently got a Khalil Mamoon Halzone. It’s my second Khalil Mamoon hookah and it’s a great hookah.
The look of this hookah is beautiful. It has a style that is somewhere between classic and modern. This is a Trimetal Style Khalil Mamoon and includes, brass, copper and stainless steel in its construction.
The weld are clean and the polish on the metal is nice. The weight of the stem is considerable but not overly bulky. This hookah stands about 30 inches tall and it’s just about the perfect height for me. I like my hookahs to be between 25 and 32 inches tall. I have a Khalil Mamoon Double Trimetal that is 32 inches tall and the length of the stem makes it a bit hard to clean properly. This hookah is just a little shorter and it’s slightly easier to clean. The down stem is made from copper, which is something that people try to hunt for. This is the first hookah I have had with a copper down stem so I will keep you informed if I notice anything significantly different between this hookah and my other Khalil Mamoon.
The draw is what I have come to expect from KM hookahs. It’s very easy to draw from and has a strong rumble when you do so. The purge is easy and clears the vase nicely.
All in all I love this hookah. I don’t like giving hookahs a number rating but I’d give this one a solid 9 out of 10 reserving 10 for a hookah that blows me completely out of the water. The function of this hookah is great and the style is beautiful. If you are looking for a beautiful hookah that will smoke great then this should definitely be on the list of possibilities.
hey Paul, just wondering what’s up with the copper down stem?
What do you mean? Like, why is a copper down stem used and why is it popular?