It’s that time again when we take a break from the usual reviews and how-tos for a glimpse into the life of an influential professional in the world of hookah. This month we have one of my favorite folks in the world of hookah who is at least partially responsible for one of my favorite vendors; Abrahim Nadimi of Social Smoke. Abrahim was kind enough to answer our usual questions and I think you folks will like what he has to say.

Abrahim Nadimi of Social Smoke

Let’s start with the usual. Can you tell me a little bit about your history with the hookah industry and where would you like to see yourself in the future?

Please see the CNN video/fortune write for the history of our company. Looking toward the future, I’d like myself and Social Smoke in general become the providers of the best customer experience in the industry. To accomplish that we need to have the best products, best ordering system, and best connection with our customers.

From my own personal experience I’d say you’re definitely a contender for that spot. What is your earliest hookah memory?

Essentially it was chilling with some older guys during Ramadan. They would smoke hookah and while we played video games and chilled.

That’s very similar to my own experience. I was in love with the hobby from that moment onward. What made you realize you wanted a career in hookah?

I’m an entrepreneur and the opportunity that hookahs presented in 2003 when my brother Ali decided to launch Social Smoke was impossible to pass up. It’s a product that we love, is easy to make people love and virtually unknown at the time. The allure was intense. When working nights and weekends on Social Smoke wasn’t cutting it, I quit my day job and started working with him full time in May 2005. My mom and dad also joined Ali and I during that summer.

Excluding your own, what is your favorite hookah product on the market today?

I would have to say the Starbuzz e hose. I see a lot of ideas that gimmicky or just twist on an old thing, but the e hose is truly innovative.

You would know about bringing new and interesting items to the market. If you had to choose just one, what is your favorite product that you make/offer? Which are you most proud of?

Our tobacco. It’s the result of years of research and a lot of blood sweat and tears. It’s made with a lot of love.

You obviously love your tobacco and rightly so. Three of your flavors to smoke for the rest of your life; what are they?

Absolute zero, voltage, and pink lemonade. They are great flavors that I never get tired of and they mix well together too.

Some of my favorites. I’ll have to try mixing them as well. What do you being to the market as a vendor that makes you unique?

Social Smoke offers our customers a chance to join a dream. It’s not just about turning a profit.

Do you have any projects or new products on the horizon?

Yes but I can’t get into details. However, I’m happy to announce we’re finally releasing Mint. It’s amazing and the feedback we’ve received has been incredible. We have a lot of amazing flavor development projects in the works which are so much larger than just cranking out a new flavor.

Social Smoke


I would like to thank Abrahim for taking the time to speak with us and for being a part of one of the best vendors you can find online. It’s definitely a delight to have such passionate people working to create new and unique products. I can’t wait to see what new flavors they have coming up and I hope you’ll all join me in supporting their endeavors.

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Alien Shapes
9 years ago

Thanks for giving an insight for the community on how nice people the guys behind our favorite shisha brands are.

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