Brand and model: Mya Saray Bambino
Country of origin: China
Height: 11″
Stock bowl: Small Mya ceramic
Stock hose: Standard Mya hose
Rating (1 to 10): 5 Over all I like this hookah. It’s a simple and sturdy rig that is well designed but has a few short comings. Firstly is the temperature of the smoke. all small hookahs suffer the same issue, which is that the smoke has a very short time to cool down and can easily become warm. Secondly, the purge sucks. Those two points aside it will treat you well for a travel hookah. One consideration is the glass. I have seen some nasty bubles in the glass and have encountered one that made the vase useless. this is to be expected with molded glass like this though. The hose and bowl are nothing terrible and nothing great so no real comments there. That’s two reviews worth of material that I plan on stretching out to make my post count higher 😛