Hookah-Hookah is a brand like any other that has high points and low points. The Irish Cream flavor from Hookah-Hookah is a high point.
The clouds on this one are medium to large. For a Hookah-Hookah tobacco this one is fairly wet. many of their blends are somewhat dry and some people take issue with this. I think the dryer tobaccos are fine they just take a little more care to manage heat properly.

Irish Cream is a coffee flavor that is made to be somewhat like Bailey’s cream liqueur. This tobacco is not quite that sweet but is still a tasty coffee flavor and one of the better coffee flavor I have had at that. It has a flavor similar to a cup of coffee with a lot of milk in it. It’s smooth and a little bitter but not too much. Personally I like my coffee to be about as dark as my shirt, which is black by the way, so I prefer the same thing with my coffee flavored tobacco. I wish it had a little more of the flavor of roasted coffee beans that I love so much. That is not what this tobacco was trying to replicate so I am not going to dock points there. They are going after the flavor of Bailey’s and the like and they came pretty close.
7 out of 10. It’s a tasty flavor and it’s fairly accurate. The flavor could be a little stronger as this one does not stand up well to mixing with other flavors.