Brand and Flavor: Hookah-Hookah Blueberry
Shisha Tobacco Cut: Typical HH.
Hookah Type: KM double trimetal. Nammor hose
Duration: 1 hour or so
Bowl: Vortex bowl
Foil / Screen: Regular foil
Coal / Amount: 2 CH QL coals
Smoke: Thick clouds with a mouth feel that I can’t quite describe.
Buzz: Light and pleasant.
Smell / Flavor: Smells like artificial blueberry and tastes much the same. Blueberry is hard to replicate and this is not the one to break through that wall.
Rating (1 to 10): 7 I like this flavor but was sad to realize it’s not a natural blueberry flavor. This one mixes very nicely with spice flavors and is also good alone. The mouth feel is a little like inhaling candy powder. I am not ure exactly how to describe it but that’s the best I can come up with. The clouds are good and the flavor is pleasant. If you like the way a blueberry candy tastes then I would say this is a good bet for you.