Brand and Flavor: HF Smashing Pumpkin

Shisha Tobacco Cut: Typical HH/HF cut.  A slight bit wetter than the average.

Hookah Type: KM double trimetal. Nammor hose

Duration: 45 minutes or so.

Bowl: Vortex bowl

Foil / Screen: Regular foil

Coal / Amount: 2 CH QL coals

Smoke:  Dense clouds and pleasant mouth feel that is slightly thick.

Buzz:  Very light and relaxing.

Smell / Flavor: The smell on this one is… interesting.  It’s like a heavily sweetened pumpkin with a distinct creaminess and very low amounts of spice.  The flavor is much the same.

Rating (1 to 10): 6  I am giving this one relatively low marks.  I think they were going for a sweetened and creamy pumpkin but it’s not really a natural flavor at all.  Pumpkin is a hard taste to pin down and I think they did an ok job but would prefer a little more accuracy.  If you are ewxpecting a pumpkin pie type flavor you are not going to get it here.  There is a minimal spice character although that may be from the tobacco it’s self.  I would say the the taste is definitely some kind of gourd.  A bit squash like.  Sweet and creamy.  If this sounds good to you then go ahead and order it.  Even though it’s not very accurate it’s still the most accurate pumpkin I have found.  I mix this with spice blends and enjoy it but it’s rare that I want to smoke it on it’s own.

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