Fantasia is a brand that everyone should be pretty familiar with. They have some popular flavors that have received a lot of attention in the past and they are always coming out with new flavors with interesting new twist and themes.
Orange Sherbert is one that does not get a lot of attention but is a pretty nice smoke. The smell in the bag is like that of a creamcicle. It smells great. I have always been a huge fan of creamcicles so I was excited about this flavor. It’s very similar to the scent of melted orange sherbert.
The smoke is typical of Fantasia and the more modern tobaccos on the market. Big clouds and smooth.
The flavor, I found a wee bit lacking. It’s medium strength but does not smack of the orange cream pop that the tobacco smells like. It’s sweet and slightly bitter with a distinct orange flavor and a bit of a candied note. It’s similar to a orange soda without the overly artificial flavor. I like it.
7.5 out of 10. I think that this is a good flavor that citrus fans should try out. It’s definitely a candied flavor and it could stand to be a bit stronger. It could be a bit more accurate to orange sherbert in my opinion it’s already pretty good. It’s not sour and in your face citrus like a lot of the other flavors in that category but it’s nice. Smooth and mellow, I think it’s worth a try.