Fantasia is just about the most modern brand I have ever smoked. It’s extremely wet, dyed red and heavily washed. This makes a lot of the more classic hookah smokers turn their noses up at the entire brand without giving it a shot.
Fantasia Mon Cherry is a cherry flavor (duh) that smells somewhat like maraschino cherry. That is to say it smells very candied and artificial. It’s not as bad as to compare it to cough syrup but it is far from the scent of a natural cherry.
The smoke is quite impressive but nothing overly astounding for the style of tobacco.
The flavor is similar to the scent. It’s very sweet with notes of cherry candy and maraschino cherries. It’s actually surprisingly light for this brand. The flavors fade in and out a bit but the sweetness remains. All in all I think the flavor is too artificial for me. It’s not an accurate cherry flavor and that’s a big negative for me.
4 out of 10. It’s on the low end of the flavors I have enjoyed from Fantasia. I can’t say that I will buy this one again, because I won’t, but I bet some people might really like it. If you want a candied cherry flavor that avoids tasting like cough syrup then check it out. Remember that everyone has different tastes and I am a stickler for natural and accurate flavors.