Fantasia has discontinued the Jack and Cola flavor. Fantasia took a swing at the college classic Jack and Coke and made this mixed drink flavor.
I would say that this is a bit of a deviation for them as Jack and Coke is less of a sweet candy drink and is a bit more… savory I guess might be the right word. The smell in the package is similar to an actual Jack and Coke. It smells like a generic cola with a slight note that is similar to the cola flavored bottle caps candy. In an odd way this is what a Jack and Coke can end up smelling like.
The clouds are what I expect from Fantasia. I know I use that descriptor a lot but we all know how modern brands like Fantasia smoke. They make big clouds with smooth smoke.
The flavor is similar to the smell but a little lighter. I think that the spice character that often comes through with cola flavors is a little lacking. I don’t taste enough of a “Jack” flavor to really call this a perfect Jack and Coke hookah tobacco. It’s tasty. There is no doubt about that. I would just like more of an oak note but I know that would not appeal to many people. The average Jack and Coke drinker mixes heavily toward the coke end of things. I actually like the flavor of whiskey so I know my tastes aren’t exactly what they are catering to.
7 out of 10. I like it. I think it’s a decent cola flavor and it has a little something extra that makes it different than the rest of them out there. I wish the flavor was stronger and I wish it was more accurate to it’s name. If you like the drink known as a Jack and Coke then I think you should buy at least a sample of Fantasia Jack and Coke flavored hookah tobacco.
It is my favorite Hooka flavor how come I can not find it anymore?