There are lots hookah tobacco companies in the market today each with their own flavors. Many of the tobaccos come from Middle East however there are some that are packaged and/or made in United States and other countries as well.

Following is a list of most popular shisha tobacco brands on the market. “Best hookah tobacco” is very much a personal thing. You gotta try them out and choose what works best for you. New brands are cropping up all the time and there are lots of brands that never make it to the US market so we are updating this list regularly. Read our reviews, check out their tobacco flavors, and choose which one to test out next.

Al Amir Hookah Tobacco

Al Amir is a brand originally from Saudi Arabia which has moved to the USA as of 2003. A very modern style tobacco with flavors ranging from triple apple to chocolate. Most of the flavors available from Al Amir focus on fruit with candy like sweetness.

Because it is so new to the USA market Al Amir is a fairly unknown brand that is often overlooked for more well known names. There are some people that feel Al Amir can compete with the most well known brands of modern tobacco.

Al Fakher

Al Fakher is one of the most popular and well known hookah tobacco brands on the market. When people think of hookah many will immediately think of Al Fakher. Offering both their normal line of flavors and their Golden line there are a wide variety of flavors to choose from.

Al Fakher has been in the market for a long time and they have always been adding to their lineup of flavors. They offer everything from cardamom and traditional tobacco to flavors like bubblegum and watermelon.

Al Tawareg

A second brand brought to the market by Considered to be a budget brand with some unique flavors. Made with honey rather than molasses which makes this more of a tobamel than a moassel. This is definitely a modern style tobacco.

This tobacco is made in Jordan and imported to the US.

Al Waha

A fairly commonly found tobacco known for having a medium buzz and mid range quality. A lot of smoke shops stock this brand because of its relatively low cost compared to better brands. I do not suggest this brand.


Fantasia tobacco is very popular among the party crowd and those that like sweets. Focusing most of their shisha flavors on candies, desserts and mixed drinks has given Fantasia a strong appeal to the young, modern hookah smoker.

Designed to give amazing clouds without sacrificing strength of flavor, this brand took it’s place in the hearts of many college aged hookah smokers and isn’t letting go any time soon. Fantasia has told us that they plan to soon release some new flavors that are going to really change the way some people look at the brand.


Fumari tobacco is known for being one of the most flavorful shisha tobaccos on the market. I always hear people raving about how strong the flavors are and how smooth the smoke is. Packaged in resealable bags this brand is more than just a good tobacco. It’s a good product over all.

Since the Fumari is packaged it’s own good container there is no reason to transfer the tobacco to another container and lose the flavor and liquid that is left behind. This brand is often over looked for more popular names in the industry but I think skipping this brand would be a real mistake.



Havana is a “premium” shisha tobacco brand manufactured in the United Arab Emirates.

Similar to other modern tobacco brands on the market. Havana is named as a nod to Cuba, widely considered to be the best producer of tobacco and cigars in the world. There is no Cuban tobacco used in Havana shisha tobacco.




Hydro Herbal is a non-tobacco smoking mixture designed to compete with the more popular tobacco brands. Made from pressed sugar cane this “herbal” brand contains no nicotine and no tobacco in any way. Their hookah flavors are candied and are some of the best non-tobacco smoking blends for hookah on the market. This is an alternative tobacco for those that still want to enjoy hookah but are nicotine sensitive or just want to avoid tobacco and nicotine all together.


Layalina is a brand of hookah tobacco that has a number of unique and original flavors along side the more well known favorites. Offering two different varieties you can choose between the classic Layalina flavors or you can choose to spend a little extra and try out their Golden line. Golden is their “premium” line of tobacco and offers higher quality versions of the most popular flavors such as peach and blueberry but consists mostly of their custom blends of various flavors such as Rum Punch and Dreamcycle. Layalina offers enough different flavors to keep you smoking something new every time for a long time.


Nakhla is one of the (if not THE) all time kings of the market. Founded in 1913 this brand has been the most smoked hookah tobacco brand in the world for a long time. Offering a wide assortment of styles and flavors, Nakhla really is one of the best brands without doubt. Nakhla offers everything from traditional tobaccos like zaghloul, a blend of only tobacco and molasses, to their mizo line which are a series of flavors made to compete with the more modern tobaccos on the market.

Nakhla has enjoyed great popularity for many years and it is well deserved. Their flavors are strong, accurate, tasty and very affordable. At half the price of some other brands you can pick up some Nakhla hookah tobacco flavors and guarantee a quality smoke.


Othmani tobacco is broken down into two categories. The Lebanese family of flavors is comprised of ‘modern’ moassel flavors, but manufactured in a slightly more traditional way. This is an unwashed brand and the flavor of the tobacco leaf plays a more prominent role than in other modern brands as well as delivering a stronger buzz as a result.

The Othmani Turkish moassel is more similar to the hookah tobacco of the old days with strong tobacco flavors, low smoke output and a very strong buzz. Using fermented tobacco with a pungent flavor, these blends are very traditional and are a good representation of a jurak style tobacco. Production seems to have been halted with no word about the future of this line as of this most recent update.


Romman tobacco is the flagship brand of It is known for having very strong flavors and some unique offerings like Summer Crisp, which is a minty cucumber flavor. This brand is different from other brands in a lot of ways. Romman was one of the first US based brands to switch from molasses to honey and is technically a tobamel rather than a moassel. is the only major website selling Romman tobacco as it is their exclusive brand.

Social Smoke

Social Smoke hookah tobacco is a line of tobaccos with great potential and some amazing flavors. Their tobaccos have a lot of flavor, last pretty long, and produce huge smoke clouds. Social Smoke is in direct competition with Starbuzz.

Made from Virginia tobacco and not washed or dyed. Most of Social smoke flavors appeal to the new hookah smokers and have sweet flavors. Many of them are being praised by hookah forum members as surprisingly realistic flavors.

Browse our Social Smoke Tobacco page for more information about the company itself, their line of tobaccos, and other products they offer.

Soex Shisha Tobacco

One of the first “herbal” brands to become popular on the market, Soex is a non tobacco smoking mixture that is nicotine free and is an alternative for those looking to avoid tobacco.

Browse our Soex Shisha page more information.


Founded in 2005, Starbuzz tobacco has been the king of the hill in regards to modern shisha tobaccos for a long time now. Catering to those who prefer their tobacco to taste smooth and sweet while producing some major clouds.

Starbuzz can be found in most lounges across the US and has a strong fan base following. Starbuzz makes a wide range of hookah tobacco flavors. Most people are bound to find a few (or more) that they love. Whether you are in the mood for Lemon Tea or Caramel Macchiato Starbuzz has something for you.


Tangiers is made and packaged in United States using tobacco grown in the US. With a strong fan following. Tangiers is known for its unique flavors and all natural ingredients. Tangiers tobacco is handmade in small batches at the Odyssey Lounge in Southern California.

There are three lines of Tangiers. Noir is an unwashed tobacco known for its high nicotine content and robust smoke quality. Lucid is the washed version of the the Noir line. F-line is a caffeinated version of the Noir line and is the only caffeinated hookah tobacco on the market.

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9 years ago

hi do you have a list of all the honey based shisha brands?

9 years ago

Amaren tobacco it’s one of the best in south Africa.

Ashok Srivastav
7 years ago

Bliss is Honey based hookah tobacco that have more than 105 flavors to choose from becoming mre and more popular among hookah lovers

F Beklevis
F Beklevis
6 years ago

shisha Royal Tobacco

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