Brand and Flavor: Al Amir Pomegranate
Shisha Tobacco Cut: Really REALLY wet. Finely ground and dripping.
Hookah Type: KM double trimetal. Nammor hose
Duration: 45 minutes
Bowl: Vortex bowl
Foil / Screen: Regular foil
Coal / Amount: 3 CH QL coals
Smoke: As with Al Amir blends I have smoked so far the smoke took a long time to pick up. Once it did this flavor had nice and thick smoke that was good for rings.
Buzz: An ok buzz. Light.
Smell / Flavor: Smells like grenadine that has been watered down. This makes sense considering that grenadine is pomegranate flavored and heavily sweetened. It tastes like a sweet pomegranate but candy rather than natural.
Rating (1 to 10): 7. I was pleasantly surprised by this one. I could tell it was supposed to be pomegranate and it tasted nice while not being fake or chemical. If you like pomegrante this is a good choice in hookah tobacco. Personally I am a big fan of pomegranate. This flavor has some room for improvement but it’s one of the better pomegranate flavors I have had up to this point. Go for it if this sounds interesting. It’s at least worth a try.