Brand and Flavor: Peach
Shisha Tobacco Cut: Wet but paste like. Lots of molasses. A random cut with a mixture of different sized pieces.
Hookah Type: KM double trimetal. Nammor hose
Duration: 45 minutes
Bowl: Vortex bowl
Foil / Screen: Regular foil
Coal / Amount: 3 CH QL coals
Smoke: The clouds were slow in coming. It took a long time for this tobacco to heat up. Once it did I would say it had medium to large clouds.
Buzz: An ok buzz. Light.
Smell / Flavor: This tobacco smelled interesting. Not much like peach but rather a bit of a molasses smell with some spice and a slight peachy over tone. The flavor was much of the same but weak and with even less peach.
Rating (1 to 10): 3 I am giving this one a very low rating because it does not taste like claimed flavor. What flavor did come through was not entirely unpleasant. I believe that the flavor of the molasses and the tobacco was the majority of what I tasted but it was not a particularly pleasant tobacco flavor. The peach like flavor was minimal and faded in and out. All in all I would not suggest trying this flavor out. It’s a whole bunch of meh.