Brand and Flavor: Al Amir Orange
Shisha Tobacco Cut: Hoo boy was it wet. Not Fantasia levels but very drippy.
Hookah Type: KM double trimetal. Nammor hose
Duration: 45 minutes
Bowl: Vortex bowl
Foil / Screen: Regular foil
Coal / Amount: 3 CH QL coals
Smoke: Great smoke. thick and puffy. Light mouth feel
Buzz: Medium to light buzz
Smell / Flavor: Smells like orange skins and artificial oranges. The flavor is similar but sweeter. I would not say that this tasted like orange juice or the flesh of an orange but it was tasty and citrusy.
Rating (1 to 10): 6 I think this was a tasty flavor but it’s major down fall was the fact that the flavor faded about half an hour in. I am used to enjoying strong flavor for close to an hour so this was very short by comparison. It’s not a true orange if what you are looking for is the flesh of the fruit but it tasted more like if you blended the whole orange together and drank the results. Tart and slightly bitter like licking the outside of the peel but sweet and a little chemical tasting like an artificial orange candy. If you are interested in trying this or any other Al amir flavors out you can purchase them here. This brand is not half bad and not very expensive either. Some flavors are a real bargain.